9-11 Oct 2019 Ischia (Italy)

Plenary Speakers

Plenary 1:

 Andrea Bergamini:

Profilbild Andrea Bergamini


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From the point of view of a materials scientist, the present interest in phononic materials is a dream come true: We can easily test the lessons learned about the structure-properties relationship in materials without having to give too much thought about the thermodynamic and kinetic challenges that challenge 'classical' material synthesis. Moreover, in the spirit of the definition of atoms offered by Lapine and Tretyakov, we can introduce in our atoms and atomic links novel and unusual properties and functionalities that will help us synthesize useful phononic materials for engineering applications. This talk offer some examples, from a materials science perspective.


Curriculum Vitæ:

Dr. Andrea Bergamini is a Senior Scientist at the Laboratory for Acoustics/Noise Control. He received his doctoral degree in mechanical engineering work on the electrostatic modification of the mechanical properties of structures in 2009 and his Masters degree in materials science from ETH Zurich in 1994 with work performed at the University of Reading on mechanical properties of genetically modified tobacco plants. His scientific work from 2000 to 2005 was focused on the development of magnetic methods for the non-destructive evaluation of large diameter steel cables. Since 2003 he has been working on variable stiffness and variable damping structures based on electrostatic mechanical coupling of interfaces. His current activities span devices based on different types electromechanical coupling, with focus on vibration damping and adaptive structures, and structured material (metamaterials, phononic crystals) for wave propagation control. Since 2012 he is a Lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, where he teaches a course on adaptive materials for structural applications.



Richard Craster:

Richard Craster


 Abstract: Elastic metamaterials and topological effects

This talk will review the field of elastic metamaterials, primarily from a personal perspective and place the field in the broader context of optical, electromagnetic and acoustic metamaterials. The difficulties of applying metamaterial ideas in the context of the full elastic equations will be discussed together with the potential and possible applications.
Topological ideas have recently come to the fore in classical wave systems where ideas based upon concepts from topological insulators have become popular, here we will discuss their possible application to wave guiding and beam splitting in elastic systems.
Curriculum Vitæ:
Richard Craster is currently a Leverhulme Research Fellow and has just stepped down as Head of Department of Mathematics at Imperial College. He has been at Imperial since 1998 apart from holding a distinguished chair in Alberta, Canada, 2008-2010 returning to become Head of the Mathematics Department at Imperial. He is a Professor of Applied Mathematics and, in addition to being in the Mathematics Department is also a member of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Imperial College. 

He is the co-director of the UK Acoustics Network (UKAN), chair of the special interest group in metamaterials. The network (www.acoustics.ac.uk). UKAN is a highly successful Network with 498 members (as per 9 January 2019). It consists of 12 Special Interest Groups which cover a majority of acoustics related research in the UK. Since its start in November 2017 and with under his co-leadership the EPSRC UK Acoustics Network has organised and run around 30 networking events which brought together and connected hundreds of people working in acoustics in industry and academia in the UK. 

He is the co-editor, alongside Guenneau, of the first book on Acoustic Metamaterials published in 2012 by Springer, PI of an EPSRC Programme grant on the Mathematical fundamentals of Metamaterials, and recently co-editor of the volume on Elastic Metamaterials for the Handbook of Metamaterials. He has written over 150 research articles, has an h-index of 45 (according to google scholar), across a wide range of engineering, physics and mathematics, and has a wide range of collaborators nationally and internationally with several of the theoretical metamaterial designs now being built by experimental groups. 
In industry he sits on the scientific advisory boards of the Smith Institute and Multiwave (an SME in metamaterials), has undertaken numerous industry consultancy and advisory roles.  His research is mainly in the area of acoustic metamaterials, elastic wave propagation and fluid mechanics and ranges from theory through to experiments usually undertaken with collaborators in engineering and physics. 
In teaching and education, he chaired the A-level  Content Advisory Board for the Russell Group, for Mathematics, reporting to the Department for Education; this advice shaped the content of the current Mathematics A-levels. He currently chairs the A-level Mathematics contact group for ACME reporting to the Royal Society, and chairs the advisory board of Mathematics in Education and Industry a charity supporting mathematics teaching in the UK.



Jean-Philippe Groby:




It is now widely accepted that structured materials exist in nature for optical or electromagnetic purposes, while being multifunctional. In acoustics (and elasticity), some structures are bio-inspired or human-modified but no natural acoustic metamaterial has yet been found to the author's knowledge. In this presentation, two structures will be investigated as possible candidates for natural acoustic metamaterials: straw balls, used for centuries as building materials mainly for thermal (and acoustic) insulation, and Aegagropilae, also known as posidonia balls.

 Curriculum Vitæ:

Jean-Philippe Groby is CNRS researcher at the Acoustic Laboratory of Le Mans University (LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613) since 2009. His research focuses on the design, characterization and application of complex structures primarily for the control of audible sound, e.g. metamaterials, metasurfaces, and metafluid. He is best known for his work in metaporous /metaporoelastic surfaces, which led to the creation of the Metacoustic company in 2015, and slow-sound metasurfaces for sound absorption and diffusion. He has co-authored 2 book chapters and over 80 research articles, and is also co-inventor of 2 patents. He is currently Chair of the COST Action DENORMS and principal investigator of several research projects.

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Jensen Li:

Jensen Li


Abstract: Space-coilin metamaterials: from negative refraction to generating wave illusion and Willis coupling

The concept of metamaterials has been successfully demonstrated in electromagnetism. The same concept has now been extended to acoustic waves both in fluid and in solid. Radically different designs of structural unit cells, surprisingly rich physics and applications arise. In the current talk, I will show that space-coiling structures can be an effective route for designing acoustic and elastic metamaterials with different examples. These structures simply route sound waves or elastic waves into curled propagation paths, enabling a non-resonant approach to a wide range of applications from super-resolution imaging, negative refraction, and zero-index tunneling. When these structures, being able to be straight-forwardly fabricated, are made to have varying structural parameters for different unit cells, the same route can be used to construct acoustic and elastic metasurfaces for manipulating wavefront and generating wave illusion. We will also discuss our recent progress on employing symmetry breaking on these metamaterial structures to realize Willis coupling for elastic waves in solid, that is the analogy of bianisotropy in electromagnetic waves.
Curriculum Vitæ:
Jensen Li is currently a professor in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Before joining HKUST at the end of 2017, he was a Reader in Photonics at University of Birmingham. His research revolves around various extraordinary wave phenomena given by metamaterials, with prominent examples such as invisibility cloaking and super-resolution imaging. His current interests are in transformation optics, metasurfaces, non-Hermitian optics and complex media. He is best known for his work in carpet cloak, and has authored 4 book chapters and over 70 research articles, with total citations over 6300. He is currently active on extending the concepts of metamaterials to acoustic and elastic waves.






Angela Madeo:



Abstract: Towards the engineering design of metamaterials’ structures through micromorphic enriched
continuum modeling

In this talk, I will show how the relaxed micromorphic model, which I have contributed to pioneer, can be used to describe the dynamical behavior of anisotropic mechanical metamaterials. I will show to which extent the proposed model is able to capture all the main macroscopic dynamical characteristics of the targeted metamaterials, namely, stiffness, anisotropy, dispersion and band-gaps. The simple structure of our material model,
which simultaneously lives on a micro-, a meso- and a macroscopic scale, requires only the identification of a limited number of frequency-independent parameters, thus allowing the introduction of pertinent boundary conditions to be imposed at macroscopic metamaterials’ boundaries when the model is framed in the context of Variational Principles. I will show how this modelling approach can be applied to the study of the scattering properties of finite-size metamaterials’ structures thus opening new perspectives for metastructural engineering design.

 Curriculum Vitæ:
Angela Madeo is currently Full Professor at the GEOMAS Laboratory of the Institut National des SciencesAppliquées de Lyon. She obtained a Master of Science in Civil Engineering at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) in 2005 and a second one in Engineering Science and Mechanichs at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (USA) in 2006. She obtained her PhD in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2009. She has been Associate Professor at INSA Lyon from 2010 to 2017. Her research expertise seats on the study of Enriched Models in Continuum Mechanics and their applicationsto mechanical metamaterials, as well as to other materials with heterogeneous microstructures. She is member of the prestigious Institut Universitaire de France since 2016, when she was nominated as junior IUF member for her ground-breaking research on enriched continuum modeling of metamaterials.
She was recipient of the CNRS Bronze medal in 2015.
She coordinates several research projects funded with National French grants (ANR), as well as European grants (RIA, Horizon 2020).
She gives lectures in the Civil Engineering Departement of INSA-Lyon, mainly in the field of Applied Mathematics, Continuum Mechanics and Mechanical Behavior of Materials with Microstructure.
She co-authored 60 papers in high-level international journals, she is author of a book on Generalized Continuum Mechanics and Engineering Applications, edited by ISTE Editions in 2015 and she has an H-index of 30 (according to Google Scholar).
She is member of the Editorial board of 3 high level international journals in the field of Theorethical and Applied Mechanics
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